Monday, July 18, 2011

My period is late, what do I do?

wierd cravings and crankyness are symptoms of both pregnancy and your period. since your period is only 2 days late, its most likely that it will be your period. and its completely normal for your period to come late or not on time. its also normal to skip a whole month or two without your period. but that happens mostly when your in your early years of your period. and if it happens durring adult hood, its very rare. depending on how long ago you had sex, would depend on if its a baby or just your period. you can only get pregnant if you have sex while you have your period because one of your eggs drops to be firtilized. and when its not firtiliezed, it created the blood flow. thus is called the period. you normally wouldnt have these cravings or mood swings within the first few months of pregnancy anyway. dont worry. take the test just in case. if it is a baby. there are options. keep the baby, put it up for adopption when its born, abortion....many options. you could also tell your husband and family and decide whether or not your ready. if you decide your ready and you want to have and keep the child, im sure you'll make a very loving and caring mother. i hope i helped:) good luck!

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